Austin Smith – An Uncanny Effect

Austin Smith defines the meaning of objection in his work;

defining lines in disturbing identity, system and order, at the same time possesses an uncanniness that is tempting and fascinating as it is revolting, the linking of abjection of his work with the uncanny suggests that there is a strangeness to the object that is more disquieting than disgusting, in addition the interference of using his own body as representations of the abject are effective because they are represented in an ambiguous nature.


Smith represent the idea of the uncanny effect where very often arise when the boundary between fantasy and reality are blurred, when we are faced with the reality of something that we have until now consider imaginary, when a symbol takes on the full function and significance of what it symbolizes.


As Freud’s interest in the uncanny was not simply as a symptom of a psychoanalytic condition or pathology, Smith is represented by a response to certain objects and situations created a chasm of uncertainty.

Smith example this idea representing his face performed in weird and abject ways including metallic sharp objects, all containing something highly uncanny about them, especially when they are credited with independent activity.


In my perspective Smith’s key premise was the uncanny is connected to factors relating to repression and the body, in every affect arising from an emotional impulse of whatever kind is converted into dear by being represented, among these things that are that are felt to be frightening it follows that fear is something that has been repressed and now returns!


Smith uses the term of ‘foreignness’ as extension of uncanny into critical dialogues surrounding subjectivity. Self-knowledge and otherness, because as he shows in his work, the uncanny reinforces a level of ‘foreignness to ourselves’, playing a crucial role in rendering otherness not as a marginal but as a universal identification that is common to everyone.


Smith attempts to locate the uncanny outside the domain of realism claiming it belongs primarily to the real of feelings.

The uncanny represent the surrealist visual art practice where the most remarkable co-incidences of desire and fulfillment, the most mysterious recurrence of similar experiences in a particular place or on a particular date, the most deceptive sights and suspicious objects.


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