Collage was a largely used technique in Instagram art of 2017; there were plenty of artists that tried blending several images between them. But only some of those are really good and brave.
Naro Pinosa is one of them: he mixes lot of icons of our pop culture (like the Olsen twins or the Jelena) with images of naked bodies, natural catastrophes, universe or animals, creating the perfect picture. A new kind of art that resumes the 2017 and its main characters and events.
Enjoy the interview.

How is born you instagram profile?
My relationship with instagram is love / hate. This is my fourth account on instagram, two were censored and one more was hacked. I hope I’m lucky this time.

Where do you take inspiration?
Exercising it day by day … Any moment of the day is good to escape, it is my vice to exercising it day by day … Any moment of the day is good to escape, it is my vice.

Why collage?
It is simple and easy for me.

Can you name three main events of this 2017 behind?
1- The arrival of Trump to the White House.
2- The independence of Catalonia [Spain].
3- The 2nd season of Stranger things.

What would you keep of the previous year? What leave behind ?
The year before I would erase everything that has made me feel bad or uncomfortable … I keep the laughs and the moments of happiness shared with family and friends.

What are your personal “cult” from this year? Like movies, books, people…
More books, More Cinema, More people !!! MOLT ART