Rea! Art Fair – 100 Strokes of Color

Rea! Art Fair mixes up a team of curators, six sections and 100 artists. The exhibition offers a call to action with the aim to overcome the traditional idea of “art fair” by exploiting the direct contacts between artists, collectors and the audience.

Rea! Art Fair is the event which will colour the grey city of Milan (according to many, though we do not agree with this statement) this autumn, in October. The last days of the month, to be more precise, from October 30th to November 1st, at Fabbrica del Vapore you will find an explosion of talent or – as locals in Milan like to say – an “All You Can Eat” restaurant of artistic expressions. 

Six sections will be entwined – Photography, digital art, painting, performance, sculpture, installations; at the exhibition, 29 international and 71 Italian artists (for a total of 100 selected emerging artists) will show their creativity and lateral thinking. This formula includes – moreover –the patronage of the Municipality of Milan. The message is loud and clear: “Support emerging artists!” There’s no chance to misunderstand it. 

Rea! Art Fair is born from the philosophy of Rea! Arte’s all-female group: in a world where competition is skyrocketing, creative sectors are now full (as if the contents overflow from the containers), and the space for artists who stand out from the crowd is getting smaller and smaller. Therefore, Rea! Arte through its channels and its know-how wants to give artists the opportunity to overcome such “communicative” and economic difficulties.

Sometimes, it seems that capitalism wins every question. That’s wrong – or not entirely – however, Rea! Arte’s challenge is to provide the free participation to individual artists, through PR, sponsorship, visibility, innovation and sustainability. “Liberty Leading the People” by E. Delacroix gets real and it’s called:“Rea! Arte.”


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