Physical art and digital reality: a cohabitation that goes through past, present and future and lives no home for hierarchies.
Physical vs Digital. Today we find ourselves surrounded by a whole new and multifaceted world of arts, whose current blurry boundaries we couldn’t even imagine until recent times. Indeed, material and virtual art seem to embody two faces of the same coin, where the former is tangible and utterly immersed in the palpable dimension, while the letter becomes extremely volatile and finds identity behind a screen.
On a daily basis, we are witnesses of the main instinct of human nature, being constantly pushed towards self-survival, innovation and evolution. This is our spontaneous reaction to the progressive yet permanent changes of the social fabric, but it is intriguing how this very same transformation has the power to grow sometimes in a glimpse of the future, and some other times in a contemporary reminiscence of the past, which stands on the exact opposite side.
In this sense, materiality and virtuality represent two mediums that despite their different natures are both capable of defining a brand new subjectivity in the relationship between the artist and its content.
Their liquid and fleeting compactness is the substance through which they become part of a neutral fluidity that doesn’t line up for one or the other and, in fact, is fascinated by both with the same intensity.
In this scenario, ONEG wants to introduce an impartial and open debate, aimed at delving into the path that the young contemporary artists choose to embrace, ranging from digital experimentation to a faithful bond to matter.
Stay tuned for the upcoming new articles and interviews.